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8 DICEMBRE 2015 - http://www.iubilaeummisericordiae.va/content/gdm/it.html - “La Chiesa vive un desiderio inesauribile di offrire misericordia, frutto dell’aver sperimentato l’infinita misericordia del Padre e la sua forza diffusiva” (Eg 24). È a partire da questo desiderio che bisogna rileggere la Bolla di Indizione del Giubileo Misericordiae vultus dove Papa Francesco delinea le finalità dell’Anno Santo. Come si sa, le due date indicative saranno l’8 dicembre solennità dell’Immacolata Concezione che segna l’apertura della Porta Santa nella Basilica di San Pietro e il 20 Novembre 2016, Solennità di Gesù Cristo Signore dell’Universo, che costituisce la conclusione dell’Anno Santo. All’interno di queste due date si sviluppa un calendario di celebrazioni con differenti eventi.
Vienna, Austria: Rock in Vienna
3-5 GIUGNO 2016 - Tre giorni di grande musica rock a Vienna, presa d’assalto da uno dei più grandi eventi di giugno 2015 in Europa. Sul palco della manifestazione sfileranno artisti del calibro dei Muse, Kiss, Metallica, Incubus, Limp Bizkit e tantissimi altri, pronti a “scatenare l’inferno” tra i loro fan con concerti di grande carica adrenalinica.
Copenaghen, Danimarca: Distortion Festival
1-5 GIUGNO 2016 - Un festival storico in una delle capitali europee più giovani e vivaci. Per quattro giorni Copenaghen diventerà un immenso club in cui celebrare la street life e la club culture. Per le strade e nei vicoli si alterneranno feste e concerti senza soluzione di continuità, il tutto gratuitamente. Location sensazionali e lunghe ore di luce accompagneranno i partecipanti di questo folle festival europeo.
Francia, Musée Rolin di Autun
Bologne et le pontifical d’Autun (1330-1340)
Dal 12 settembre 2012 al 09 dicembre 2012

In occasione di tale evento saranno esposte opere bibliografiche custodite presso la Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria di Torino.

La scoperta di un manoscritto unico nella diocesi di Autun può evocare la produzione artistica di Bologna nel corso del primo Trecento (1330-1340). Personalità forti come Vitale da Bologna, Pseudo Jacopino, Giovanni da Balduccio sono menzionati accanto ai grandi maestri di illuminazione.
Il manoscritto di Autun è un Pontificale Romano, in cui sono illustrate tutte le formule e le cerimonie delle funzioni riservate ai riti liturgici del vescovo e le benedizioni solenni della vita della chiesa in un modo sorprendente.
La comprensione pubblica di questo capolavoro del XIV secolo sarà agevolata da un "feuilletoire" digitale. Una proiezione visiva dell'oggetto mette in evidenza il suo valore estetico e dà una certa chiave di lettura.
"Bologna e la Autun Pontificio" è il primo di una serie di cinque esposizioni incluse in un accordo per scambi culturali e scientifici tra l'ultima Autun e il Louvre. Rolin Museum è l'unico museo di Borgogna e uno dei pochi musei in Francia a firmare un accordo con il più grande museo del mondo.
"Questa mostra è riconosciuto come un interesse nazionale dal Ministero della Cultura e della Comunicazione - Direzione Generale per i Beni - Direzione dei Musei di Francia. Si gode quindi di un sostegno finanziario straordinario da parte dello Stato. "

Londra, Royal Academy of Arts
Dal 15 settembre 2012 al 09 dicembre 2012

La scultura greca del Satiro danzante di Mazara del Vallo va a Londra, dove la Sicilia e' protagonista della mostra "Bronze" alla Royal Academy of Arts dal 15 settembre al 9 dicembre. La statua, alla quale sara' dedicata un'intera sala, aprira' l'esposizione che presenta i capolavori bronzei provenienti da tutto il mondo.
Assieme al Satiro partira' per la capitale britannica anche l'Ariete di bronzo del museo Salinas di Palermo.La mostra rientra nell'ambito di un protocollo d'intesa tra l'assessorato regionale ai Beni culturali e l'Identita' siciliana e l'istituzione culturale londinese. Anche questa volta, come e' gia' accaduto nel 2005 per il viaggio del Satiro in Giappone per l'Expo universale di Aichi, l'opera sara' smontata e riassemblata dai tecnici dell'Istituto centrale di restauro di Roma
Germania - Magdeburg, Kulturhistorisches Museum
Otto der Grosse und das Römische Reich. Kaisertum v
Dal 27 agosto 2012 al 09 dicembre 2012

In occasione di tale evento saranno esposte opere bibliografiche custodite presso la Biblioteca nazionale “Vittorio Emanuele III” di Napoli.

Pensacola's Greek Festival
12th-13th-14th October 2012
The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Pensacola is busy planning their 53rd annual Greek Festival and you are invited to the party.

Like a visit to Greece, the Pensacola Greek Festival offers a rich, multi-sensory experience of Greek hospitality and culture. Savory cuisine, soulful music, lively dancing, and educational tours transform the church grounds at 1720 West Garden Street into a three day “glendi” (celebration).

The Pensacola Greek Festival has become one of the area’s signature fall festivals. The 3 day cultural event provides an opportunity for the Pensacola Greeks to share their heritage, culture and faith with the local community. The event is held on the church grounds at 1720 West Garden Street under large tents and includes live bouzouki music, folk dance performances, a variety of delicious foods, shopping in the Greek Market and tours of the church. Hours are Friday from 11am- 10pm, Saturday from 11am- 10pm, and Sunday from 12 noon - 6pm. Admission to the festival is free of charge.

Food, music and dancing are not the only attractions offered at this festival. Visitors can attend twenty minute church tours to see the architectural beauty of the inside of an Orthodox Christian church and learn a little about the Orthodox faith and its culture. Byzantine hymns will be sung by choir members at the end of each tour.

The Festival is truly a labor of love by our parishioners. Months of preparation goes into the planning and presentation of this event. Stop by the Hellenic Center on any weekend in the fall and you will see many cheerful faces and busy hands as church members prepare food so they can share their food, their faith and their ethnic pride for one weekend each year to their Gulf Coast neighbors. Volunteers are welcome to assist in pre-festival food preparation. The best way for non-parishioners to stay up to date on work dates is to follow us on Facebook where we will post those dates as events.
Chinatown Festival
Singapore, From 9th September To 14th October 2012
Celebrate the traditional mid-autumn festival in Singapore Experience the Mid-Autumn Festival—a celebration of family unity at a time of year when the moon is at its fullest and brightest. For this grand community event, Chinatown has been decorated with bright vibrant lanterns. Enjoy fun activities like lantern painting and shopping at a festive bazaar with over 300 stalls. It’s a rich cultural experience that’s not to be missed. Join in a grand celebration of family unity and thanksgiving during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Also known as the Chinese Lantern Festival, the festivities traditionally happen on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month, when the moon is at its fullest and brightest. Organised by the Kreta Ayer-Kim Seng Citizens’ Consultative Committee, the whole stretch of Chinatown has been enlivened Chinatown with bright vibrant lanterns designed in line with the colours of Mid-Autumn. Have fun with activities such as a lantern painting competition, a themed street light-up, a festive bazaar with 300 stalls, and a mass lantern walk. You’ll learn about Singapore’s cultural diversity and rich heritage, as well as the festival which is a 1,000-year-old tradition. In Chinese tradition, the roundness of the moon symbolises unending family unity. Other than putting up lanterns, Chinese families gather for hot brewed tea and sample sweets like mooncakes and pomelos. This event—among the most widely marked of Chinese festivals—is a truly authentic experience that’s not to be missed. So come soak up the atmosphere.
Kenya's Camel Classic - Maralal Camel Derby
From 17th to 19th August 2012
The Annual Maralal Camel Derby takes place in the month of August in Maralal, a remote desert outpost in Samburu county.

The quiet town of Maralal, about 348 kms North of Nairobi, is considered the gateway to Kenya’s wild and arid North, and is a mecca for adventurers, nomads and camels.

This is real camel country, and the single humped dromedary camel is a vital part of life for many of Northern Kenya’s nomadic people.

Each year, the Camel Derby brings colour and action to the streets of Maralal as the finest Camels in the North gather for the big race.

While most of Kenya’s camel rearing communities do not ride them- using them as pack animals- they are excellent handlers and judges of an animals strength and potential for speed.

Winning the Derby is a great local honour, and each year the title is hotly contested. But this by no means a purely local event.

Maralal is a haven for nomadic cultures, and that includes travellers from all over the globe.

The Town is a popular stopover for travellers looking for adventure in Kenya’s Northern Frontier District - one of Africa’s last great unspoilt wilderness areas.

For anyone visiting the area around this time, attending the Derby is a must. The three day race event is a chance to experience culture, colour, action and adventure first hand.

This is not just a spectator sport - if you are going to attend the derby, why not saddle up and join in?

The derby this year will include: Camel ride competition for amateurs and experts as well, Tricamalon, 10km fun run, 5 km fun run for the physically challenged and bike races.
10th International Sand Sculpture Festival FIESA
Portugal, From May to October 2012
FIESA is a mega exhibition of sand sculptures held by Prosandart since 2003 in Pêra, Algarve, that in each new edition is dedicated to a different theme.

Every year, a group of talented sculptors, from various parts of the world and experts in the art of sand sculpting, join to give shape to thirty-five thousand tons of sand, in an area of fifteen thousand square meters.

Idols are the theme of this year, a tribute to various characters admired and praised by our society. Carved in sand you will find icons of sports, from the movies, from music, fashion, politics and religion.

In an historical and geographical approach, the exhibition ranges from the ancient gods and beliefs to the Beatles, Michael Jackson, Marylyn Monroe or Eusebio, among other icons idolized by the crowds throughout time.

The festival is unique in the Iberian Peninsula and is considered the largest sand sculpture festival in the world, by the size of its sculptures and the area they occupy. It can be visited by day or by night when the sculptures are illuminated by light games.

FIESA also incorporates a playful dimension with a space for sand sculpture activities, where each day, adults, teens and children can experience and show their creative abilities in this form of artistic expression.

This is an event you can´t afford to lose… Amazing by day and by night!

FIESA 2012 exhibition is open to the public every day:
Between May 25 and June 29 from 10am until 9pm.
Between June 30 and September 15 from 10am until Midnight.
Between September 16 and October 25 from 10am until 8pm.

The FIESA is an outdoor enclosure. In case of adverse weather conditions the organization is not responsible for any lack of technical conditions or, for the same reasons, there is change in opening times.