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Optimize the Turistic Tour with Points of Interest to Visit

1. What’s Tulipat.com?
Tulipat.com is a web portal that provides a service to travelers to optimize the sequence of point of interests to want to visit for a city, region or country.
2. Why the traveler should use Tulipat.com?
Because the service is designed for all travelers who arrives in a city, wants to save time identifying points of interest and visiting them with an optimized sequence.
Because the service offers the opportunity to meet some of the structures that are optimal positioned near to points of interest you want to visit.
Because the service informs the traveler of the presence of useful commercial accommodation and facilities near each point of interest to visit such as restaurants and car parking, shopping centers and shops.
3. What are the characteristics of the service offered by Tulipat.com?
The service offered is:
• Custom: the traveler chooses the POI
• · Optimized: the traveler visiting points of interest with an optimized sequence
• Proactive: the traveler uses the remaining time available per day to visit POI suggested.
• Complete: the traveler displays information on restaurants, parking, shopping centers and other commercial activities close to point of interest.
4. What is the starting point for each route?
The starting point for any route which is generated can be an hotel selected in Tuliapt list or any other house.
5. How Tulipat divides the itinerary?
The division is based on the number of days of travel and on the time selected for the first and the last day.
6. Is it possible to print the itinerary?
Printing service is offered only for registered users. The itinerary is the optimized sequence divided by days of trip. Each POI in the itinerary has additional information such as accommodation close to it.
7. What is POI?
A point of interest (POI points of interest with the acronym) is a point of interest of a given territory. Tulipat.com treats different types of points of interest: museums,monuments, churches, palaces, parks, neighborhoods, castles, lakes,archeological sites and other types.
8. How Tulipat gives importance to the POI?
The importance of a POI, indicated with stars, is the result of an average rating of many information sources like internet, guides and newspapers.
9. What the times of arrival and departure (changed in the calendar) indicate?
The arrival time is relative to the first day of the tour and defines its beginning, its range is: from 03:00 to 17:00.
The time of departure is the last day and indicates what time you want to forecast end of visiting points of interest, its range is: from 10:00 to 24:00.
10. What time Tulipat assigns to intermediate day?
The intermediate days are supposed to be devoted entirely to the tour to visit points of interest. The specific time is from 9:00 to 18:00. You cannot change this time.
11. What is the limit of days which can be programmed?
The optimization of the sequence is for maximum seven one days.
12. What POIs are in the path provided by Tulipat?
Tulipat uses in the path POI both selected by the traveler and others added as recommended by Tulipat to exploit the remaining time of the trip. Therefore Tuliapt put other POIs at the conclusion probably important to you. These suggested POI are selected based on two conditions:
1) distance from the POI chosen by the traveler (more 'points possible) - amount POI.
2) importance of POIs - quality of the POI.
13. Why are the POI's recommended Tulipat?
These POI are suggested by Tulipat in order to complete the path in the case the Tulipat algorithm, optimizing the sequence for the POIs selected by the traveler, verifies the presence of a time remaining to be used for exploring other points notchosen by the user.
14. What do the selections Distance and Priority mean?
These selections allow the traveler to have the POI's suggested itinerary chosen by two parameters:
• Distance: the POIs suggested having temporal distances short related to the selected POI, in order to have as many as possible in relation to its tour (more quantity of POI)
• Priority: the POIs suggested are chosen from which have greater importance, but also considering the best time distance in relation to your itinerary (more quality of POI)
15. How do you select the POI you want to visit?
Drag&drop POIs from the central box to the right box.
16. Is it possible to avoid to have certain suggested POIs ? for example: POIs already visited in before travel?
In order to avoid that certain POIs is used by Tulipat like suggested ones, dragging these POIs from the center box and drop them to the left box.
17. Optimization considers the visiting time I spend at each point of interest?
There is a default time that can be manually changed for each POI. After selecting the POI you can change the time of visit. There are two times:
• viewing time: the time spent viewing the POI from outside for some photos. Value set to start: 1:30 h (ranging from 30' up to 3 hours and 30')

• visit time: it's the time taken for the visit to the POI. Default starting value: 4 hours (ranging from 4h up to 12h)

The default time of 1h and 30' can be decreased up to 30' or increased up to 3 hours and 30'. You can choose another time that varies between 4h and 12h.
18. How can I know if Tulipat increases number of POIs, informations and countries?
Simply subscribe the newsletter to have informations about news of the Tulipat portal.
19. Is it possible to have the optimized sequence of POIs by walking?
Yes, Tulipat allows to create itinerary by walk and by car.
20. Tulipat can handle the geolocation?
Using a smartphone with GPS you can use googlemap to know how to move form own location to the point suggested by the sequence of Tulipat.
21. Why Tulipat displays the timetable of the POI?
Tulipat displays the timetable of the POI to help the traveler to consider it during the journey route and to avoid wasting time.
22. Why Tulipat suggests the hotel?
Tulipat provides an optimized sequence of points of interest from a starting point, for example an hotel. The traveler can choose the hotel suggested from Tulipat or write the address of own accommodation. The hotel list is sorted by optimized hotel for the POIs selected by traveler (the first hotel has the best location of all hotels in Tulipat).
23. If you do not select an hotel suggested into Tulipat list (but another point for example the apartment of your brother), Tulipat can calculate the best sequence with this beginning point?
Yes, but remember: the optimized sequence depends on many things like selected POI, time of visit POIs, the dates, mode of traveling and also from the point of departure.
24. How can I change the POIs suggested which Tulipat includes in optimized sequence?
Two methods:
• move certain POIs from the center box to the right box
• change the mode of selection of POI: distance or Priority.
25. In the optimized sequence what do other infomations indicate?
In order to inform and improve the knowledge of traveler Tulipat provide more informations for each point of interest.
26. Is it possible to see the path to get from one POI to another?
In the final result shown by the optimized sequence there is a link to google map that displays the path in graphical and text.
27. How to access the Tulipat circuit?
A property can be inserted in the circuit Tulipat and be advertised to the users of the service.
28. Is it possible to advertise a point of interest?
It's possible to communicate all information of a point of interest, a major event orfestival and any information will be considered and included in the circuit Tulipat.